sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

Mexicanismos 1

  • Clint Eastwood = Limpiar es bueno.
  • Throw me waters to park = Echame aguas para estacionarme.
  • It falls on me of mothers = Me cae de a madres.
  • Mario Truth = Marioneta
  • Shoot me a refresh = Disparame un refresco.
  • A great fart of pizza = Un pedazo de pizza.
  • Follow instructions to the foot of the letter = Sigue las instrucciones al pie de la letra.
  • I´ll just refuck my goats and go = Nomás recojo mis chivas y me voy.

1 comentario:

  1. How to watch NBA basketball on my cell phone - YouTube
    When watching NBA basketball, videodl If you're in the right place and can't, follow my example. I'll give you a brief tutorial on how to watch the game.
